USER Maintenance



This option allows for the setup and maintenance of users.  It is only required for networked users who desire security on their system but is available to single workstation users who desire an extra level of security to the tracking system.  Database Security must be "turned on" for user security to apply.


System Security ON: The security option is typically used only for network installations; however, it is available to single workstation users. If selected, it will prompt for a system signon and password when entering most of the tracking applications. NOTE: Be sure you setup a new password for the ADMIN userid before selecting this option.


Data Fields:


USER ID - A unique identifier assigned to a user or group of users.


USER NAME - The name of the user or user group.


PASSWORD - A password assigned to a user or user group.


UPDATE - Select this option to allow the user all system update privileges except for the the ability to run the system setup program.


The options available from here are:


To ADD a user, select the add user option.


To Change a user's  information, make the required changes in the data table and select update.


To DELETE a user, highlight that user in the list and select the delete option.   You cannot delete the ADMIN user.